Part A: Share at least 3 “Bountiful Blessings” that the Lord has abundantly provided.
A God Honoring Husband, to be a mother to two tender hearted young ladies, to have all my basic needs provided and my desires filled, parents and in-laws how also love the Lord with all their heart, friends who are such an encouragement to my soul, Health, Happiness and the feeling of being loved and to truly understand the word contentment!
Part B: Share your Thanksgiving Feast {past or present}
Before last year we got together with my Dad's cousins in the local area and had Thanksgiving. Last year something came up for just about everyone and they could not make it. This was my first time to have Thanksgiving here at my home just for my family. I cook my first Turkey (I should say Turkey Brest, we all like the white meat) It was wonderful and relaxing. Kind of nice not have to go anywhere. Let me explain that my Husband and I come from a retail background and the Holiday Season (Oct. - Jan.) is NEVER relaxing for us. This year will be his FIRST day after Thanksgiving day OFF!! We are going to put up the tree and enjoy time as a family. We might even hit same of the CRAZY sales ;)!
Traditions - We started a new one last year; The Sunday before we head down to my SIL and have Thanksgiving with her family, My in-laws and this year my parents will also be joining us.
- Roasted Turkey Brest w/ gravy
- Mash-potato's (I use instant Idaho Spuds Loaded kind, fix it just the way it said on the package, blend in a 1/2 block of cream cheese, 1 cup of sheared Cheddar, transfer into an over safe dish and top with more Cheddar, at 350 cook until Cheddar is melded. )
- Green Bean's suttee in garlic and pepper (This year green beans are fresh from a neighbors garden, a blessing)
- Cranberry Sauce
- Yeast Rolls
- Sweet Ice Tea
"Who carves the turkey?” My Husband
“Do you save the wishbone?” yes, the girls break it
“What do you serve for dessert?” Peanut Butter Cake w/ Ice cream
Leftovers - because we only use a turkey breast, we lave little leftovers, I make my husband several dinner plates to take to work on the night he closes and we finish everything else up that weekend.
Part C: Post a Scripture that reminds you of your blessings!
I found this picture & verse and it touch my heart. This year I felt like I am the lady in the picture on my knees praying. With each passing year of homeschooling my days are spent this way. Also, as being a wife and mother. It might be better said: As I get older and my childish ways leave me, as I become stronger in my prayers to God. I am growing just as you are and I find the strength I need when I am on my knees praying to my Lord. The power He has given to women in prayer, I am so humble by His mercy.

I love that verse! You have a lot to be thankful for! Have a great holiday and thanks for visiting my blog!
What an interesting post! I'm finding out so much about Thanksgiving traditions - thanks for sharing yours with this English mama!
I love your verse! thanks for sharing with us!
Very nice post. We all have so much to be thankful for.
Nice dinner menu. Nice potatoes recipe, I have used cream cheese, will have to try both cheeses next time. Yes, there is power when we are on our knees. I love this picture and verse, beautiful!
Have a wonderful blessed Thanksgiving.
What a wonderful verse! And I love the picture with it!!! Honestly, not being able to go to my parent's home for Thanksgiving, I find myself wanting to stay home with my family and preparing a meal together. We could all take part in making the meal and then...when it comes time to eat, my hubby could lead our family in a time of thanksgiving to the Lord for all He is, all He has done, and all He is going to do. Maybe even sing some songs! Oh what a nice thought.....
Hope you have a wonderful week!
What a wonderful verse! Isn't it a blessing itself to be able to go before the lord and talk to Him.
I love the picture and verse!
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