
Monday Menderings

Bible Study: Continue with Beth Moore "David 90 Days with a Heart Like His"
Family: "Boy, Have I got Problems" Learning James 2: 9-12

  1. Monday ~ Re~do the girls room

  2. Tuesday ~ Bathrooms

  3. Wednesday ~Kitchen / Living Room

  4. Thursday ~Floors / Dinning Room /Laundry

  5. Friday ~ Bedroom's

Thing's To Do:

  1. List things on E~Bay (Monday)

  2. Make Cinnamon Clay Dough (Tuesday)

  3. Make new Chore Charts for the girls (Wednesday)

  4. Field Trip: Touch the Earth with Native People (Thursday)

  5. Grocery Store (Friday)

  6. Pr pair for Saturday's American Girl Event (Friday)

Menu for the week:

Monday: Shrimp Stir~fry

Tuesday: Potato Soup

Wednesday: Turkey Burgers

Thursday: Beef Stir~fry

Friday: Chicken Tortilla Soup

Saturday: Family Night Out


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