
Blogger Friend School #11

Prayer is something near and dear to my heart. As women this is the most powerful gift God has given us. I look forward to praying for each and every one of you.
Prayers that I am in need of are:

  • My cousin "Sharon" found a lump in her breast and in undergoing test. She also has a job interview today. This would be closer to home for her.
  • A friend & co-worker Linda has Thyroid cancer. She just found out this last week. She is such a Godly women and a wonderful mother. May God continue to give her the strength as she is in this season. I pray for healing and full recovery for her.
  • My Husband works retail. This time of the year it gets crazy. Pray for him; he will be able to rest when he returns home from a long day or night at work, that work will run smooth and God may bless his store.
  • Myself: I am still recovering from a stomach virus this past weekend. I though yesterday I was getting better. But last night I was up and down with cramping.

Growing in Him,



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