
Monday Meanderings

Bible Study:
Myself: Continue with Beth Moore "David 90 Days with a Heart Like His"
Family: "Boy, Have I got Problems" Learning James 2: 21-24

Monday: Laundry
Tuesday: Dust Bed Rooms
Wednesday: Kitchen
Thursday: Living Room & Laundry
Friday: Floors

Things that I must do by Wednesday: (I did not get several things done last week. My Hubby & I came down with a stomach virus at the end of the week. Praise the Lord the girls didn't get it.)
  1. Buy & plant flowers on front poach

  2. Find matching hair ribbons for girls Christmas dresses.

  3. List E bay items.
Things to do:
  • Tuesday: help Timothy with registration.

  • Tuesday night get together with special friends and take children to visit Mr. & Mrs. Clause (This is a neat story, will blog about it latter this week)

  • Friday: Homeschool Christmas party & visit husband at work to do some Christmas Shopping "Last Day of His Holiday Discount" Make Reece's Birthday Cake.

  • Saturday: "Scottlyn" will play the piano at our local mall. She is playing "What Child is This"Plus this is my step-sons 20 birthday and we will be going out for dinner.

Menu: I have changed how I am going to post this from now on. I will be listing the different dinners I can make with what I have in my pantry. This way I am being true to myself and you my friendly reader :)!

  1. Taco Pie

  2. Turkey Burgers (no-bun) w/ rice and green beans

  3. Shrimp stir-fry

  4. Chile w/rice

We will have Pizza Night on Friday. Costco is by my husbands work, we will hit it for some grocery and then take home a pizza for dinner.

Prayer: (I do so like the fact some of us are adding this to our week. What a way we can be a blessing to each other.)

  1. My cousin "Sharron" she is found a solid mass in her breast. Monday she will be going in for more test.

  2. My friend "Linda" has just found out she has Thyroid cancer.

  3. For us: Since late summer we have been seeking a "New" Church Home. We are looking for one that has a healthy size church body. I don't mean numbers I am referring to the heart here. One that is family focus and our main struggle is finding one close to our home. we know of several but they are a drive.

Train Them Up:

  • We started the "Jesse" tree this weekend. Once a day when we all eat together. We will take turns reading the scripture and placing the ornament on the tree. This is new for us this year.

  • Work with each daughter on 5 ways she can bless someone else this week.

School Week:I added this to the list this month only. I wanted to share each week what we will be doing.

  • 4 day school week

  • Practice Christmas Carols for Nursing Home in 3 weeks

  • Help girls make desert for Friday's Christmas Party

  • Make "Best Big Brother" Award for Reece to wear on his birthday.

  • Also there are several "Christmas Specials" on TV this week. I always like to cuddle up with the girls and pop some popcorn. It is special to watch them again and remember how neat I thought they were when I was their age.

Growing in Him,



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