Our assignment this week is to write out some goals that we would like to accomplish--personal as well as for our family. We are also to try to write out small attainable rewards for each goal accomplished.
I just thinking about this last night. We our coming up on our two week break. I would like to spend time with the Lord, seeking what my goals for the new year will be. What do I hope to accomplish this year? What are my spiritual goals? What goals do I have as a mother? Goals for each of my children? What are personal goals that I have for our family and our marriage.
I will be taking a blogging break the next week to spend time with family. My goal is to spend the time I would normally be blogging on my knees in prayer about the next year. Prayer is the most powerful tool we have as women. Before something new starts it must start first with prayer.
For doing this the reward will be a plan that has first comes from the Lord. It will be a blessing to myself, my family and all who our around us. This plan will be give to the Lord. It will be blessed by the Lord.
Praying for you as you stive for closer time with your Lord.
Great aspirations. I'll be praying that you will see His direction and that His goals for you will be made clear. Have a blessed Christmas and a new year full of His grace.
Mine is up but fairly blank as I too am praying about these goals first. I will lift you in prayer over this as well.
Enjoy your birthday and Merry Christmas!
What a beautiful picture! It seems that many of us have prayer as a goal in some way.
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Can't go wrong with that plan! Have a Merry Christmas and a relaxing break!
I like what you said about prayer being the beginning.
Have a nice break.
That is a wonderful goal. I will be praying for you. I hope you have a relaxing Christmas break and a very lovely birthday this week.
Praying that all your goals are met! In the mean time, I wish you a Happy and Holy Christmas, Nadolig Llawen - (Welsh greetings!!),
Kinda cool that Jesus regards what time we give back to Christ as a real gift, as His presence does so much for us in our lives! He chooses to regard us as precious. Wonderful to contemplate on this. Time with Heaven is the gitft that gives right back to us!
I pray that your time away with the Lord would bring you much insight to what God wants you to do in the coming year. blessings friend, vanessa
Your comment section popped up from blogger on top of one I was looking at after yours. So I left the wrong comment on the wrong blog! Sorry!
I do want to set some goals but I so far I havent even had time to think into the new year. I need to do that.
I'm right behind you. I am going to take a break from blogging. May the LORD bless you and your family in 2008
What a great goal. I usually spend a week the month or so prior to a new school year praying for God's guidance in goal setting for each child and our family as a whole. Also, for curriculum choices. The curriculum that He chooses always ends up being my favorite as well as the kids. God Bless You.
Hi there,
I guess blogging got more away from me than I thought. I missed your and your dd's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! I know you are being blessed by this time away. I just pray you come back to us. You have been a blessings my friend. May the Lord bless you and keep you and your family in a very special way this year. May he show you HIS way and you will be blessed. (((HUGS)))
Blessings and ((hugs)) my SSiC
In Him<><
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a great birthday. Just dropping in to say "hi."
Just stopping by to wish you and your family a Happy New Years!
Good luck with all yours goals!!! I pray that God will give the strength you need to accomplish all these things!!! :-)
PS I love the pic you posted on this entry! Would you mind if I use this pic on my prayer blog??? Just let me know... :-)
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