
Making your Home sing Mondays: "May Mommy Maddness"

Making your home sing Mondays
Today's is the day when we share what we are doing to bless our families in our home. If you would like to join in, click here.

I am in the middle of May Mommy Madness at my Home. Here is what our schedule has or will look like over an 18 day period.
  • April 28th = last day of Timothy Ministry's (I teach 3 classes there)
  • April 30th = Last day of school for us :) 
  • May 1st = GHEA (our state home school convention) 
  • May2nd & 3rd = came home sick/spent the weekend in bed
  • May 4th = piano
  • May 5th = ITBS am / Finale Dance Recital practice
  • May 6th = ITBS
  • May 7th = Dance Recital
  • May 8th = Friday Ladies Bible Study & Grocery Shopping
  • May 9th = Dinner w/neighbors
  • May 10th = Mother's Day (relaxing and wonderful)
  • May 11th = Piano
  • May 12th = Chorus/ Piano Recital (make brownies  to take with us)
  • May 13th = Make refreshments for Chorus & Ladies Bible Study
  • May 14th = Chorus Recital
  • May 15th = Daughter's Birthday / Friday Ladies Bible Study
So I am always going and doing something the first half of May that is feels like I am a coach for college basketball team in the middle of "March Madness's!" To make my home sing I have to try not to go ODC on my family when it comes to my house being clean. If you walked in you would see that my floors are a little dirtier, the school room is a mess & stacks of books are everywhere. I also have another stack of history books by my chair that I have been looking over. There is some majoring ironing that needs to be done. I could go on and on . . . 

I have to let it go . . . this is so hard for me to do!!!  But it blesses my home and my family when mommy isn't freaking out about the house being dirty. We have spent time in between of our comings and goings just chilling together. That time is what is so special and makes my home sing :)! Thanks so much for stopping by and reading my ramblings . . I pray that you have a blessed Monday and that you to are able to make your home sing too.

Growing in HIM,


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