Hmm…How many are thinking what is this assignment going to be? My laundry or something hidden deep within that you haven’t shared? Let me end the suspense and say BOTH! Keep in mind that these assignments are meant to stretch you and encourage you to creatively blog.
- Part A - Share about your family’s laundry. Where is it kept? Who does it? How does your family sort it? Do you wash by hand? Hang clothes on the clothesline? Make your own laundry soap? How often do you do laundry? How many loads each day/week? Indoor laundry room, in the garage, or laundry mat? Even more fun…share a picture!
- Part B - Do you have an area in your life that you know that the Lord is tugging at some heart strings that needs to be cleaned up? Have a testimony of your past struggle(s) that might help another homeschooling mom? Share a piece of your heart (dirty laundry) that you are seeking a good washing or how it got cleaned up. Sharing with one another is a great way to have your post feel human and real.
- Part C - FIND a scripture this week that pertains to this assignment to help you with your laundry and share it this week.
Here is mine:
- Part A - A few yeas back we had to get a new washer and dryer. We picked front loading ones. This has been a great way to get the girls to help loading and unloading. All the bedroom clothes has laundry baskets in them. When they are getting full (this is two times a week in the summer and three times a week in the winter) the girls will sort the baskets in to whites, darkes, blacks & jeans (winter months only). Plus another load that is just my husbands work clothes(dress pants & button downs).They will take the color I saw and put it into the washer. My jog is to do the detergent (we use Walmart Lavender Brand) and set the washer: they push the start button. They the youngest will transfer the clothes into the dryer and put a dryer sheet (Bounty) in. She will also unload the dried clothes onto my bed, clean out the vent and reload it. I do all the folding and ironing, myself. The girls will also put away their own folded clothes. Our laundry room is in the hallway for easy excess. My husband just installed the cabinets over the summer. He got a great deal at Builder's Surplus! As you can see I also store my extra hangers here. It gets weeded out twice a year during the consignment seasons. We average about 7-10 loads a week between the four of us. This will go up now my that my step-son will be moving back in with us.
- Part B - Over the past two yeas we have been trying to de-clutter the following things n our lives: Our Home: We are taking back control of all the stuff we have here. Tossing and selling the things that we don't need or want in our home. LESS stuff to DUST! Also, I am a curriculum JUNKIE. I have been letting go and only keeping the things that I really like! Selling the other stuff or my first choice is to bless another family by giving it away. Our Finances: It will be two years in February that we have been using the Dave Ramsey "Baby Steps". We have been able to pay off all out dept except our house and the 2ND mortgage. We have also been able to pay in cash for a good used truck, pay in cash for some land just north if us and do some home repairs. I mention before that my step-son is moving back here. Because of this financial freedom we will be able to help him out with college. Our Hearts: We are an open family that shares our daily struggles with our children. They see us laugh, cry and get mad with each other. My husband has been married before, he brings a child into our marriage, I am an only child and I also come from a broken home. That is just a few of the major things we have, had or still working through. But God is good and He works all things out for His Glory. We just had our 10Th wedding anniversary last month.
- Part C: "Strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. 'We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,' they said" (Acts 14:22).
Hear my heart: Thank you for reading this. I can not begin to express the blessing you make by commenting on this blog. It has been an encouragement to me in my first short month of entering the blog world. I truly look forward to returning the blessing back to you. Have a wonderful day with our Lord!
Hi! Wasn't this a good assignment? Your laundry room is so neat! I got your email. I'm glad the Beth Moore study is going well. You asked about a cookie recipe. Are you meaning the Rice Krispie Treats but with the chex instead?
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Thanks for the visit. Have a great week!
Thank you for sharing all of this! We too are struggling financially and I keep hearing Dave Ramsey's name and books pop up. We're heading to the library this weekend so I'll check out a few of his books. Thank you for the wonderful verse!
Have a great rest of the week!
Thanks for sharing your "dirty laundry". We have been to the Dave Ramsey course and have just never applied it at home. You have given me inspiration to try. It is always nice to see that it works for someone. I also love your wordless wednesday post.
Thanks for dropping by and introducing yourself today. I'd love to have a new front-loading washer (but not enough to hope the old one dies). :) You know, maybe I should put up a tension rod under our cabinets in the laundry room, too. I've been thinking I want a place to be able to hang up my hubby's shirts when they come out of the dryer. Duh!
I have so enjoyed reading your assignment and the rest of your blog. Sounds like we struggle with a few of the same things. I have heard Dave Ramsey has a great program. My dh and I are trying to get into a class.
I will be praying that you reach all your goals. I will be sure to visit frequently.
Be blessed.
OK, where do I begin? I don't think I've been to your blog yet...it's soooo cute! As I was reading your post, I thought of many things I could comment on. First, what a tidy laundry room! And you have a step stool in yours, too! (smile) ooooh, you iron regularly? I only iron our church clothes. I am so with you on decluttering! Praise God for being debt-free! (Dave allows a mortgage.) Keep it up! We graduated from FPU a year and a half ago and we, too, are debt free (except the mortgage) and drive 2 used, but paid off vehicles. Thank you for sharing and being so honest!
I enjoyed reading your post. It is so nice that your children help out with the laundry. How wonderful that God is helping you in so many ways. We have been working on the same issues here. Good foundational Scripture.
You've been only blogging for 1 month!? Hard to believe, your blog is so much fun. Thanks for sharing your life with us.
Blessings Always,
Praise the Lord for your family's commitment to Him! I am also trying to de-clutter my home! That is great that you are able to buy some land. My husband and I would love to buy land in the future! Congratulations on 10 years!
http://www. homeschoolblogger.com/mamabear2003
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