
Monday Menderings

Bible Study: Continue with Beth Moore "David 90 Days with a Heart Like His"Family: "Boy, Have I got Problems" Learning James 2: 13-16

Monday ~ Clear out spare room
  • Tuesday ~ Bathrooms
  • Wednesday ~Kitchen / Living Room
  • Thursday ~Floors / Dinning Room /Laundry
  • Friday ~ Bedroom's

  • Things To Do:

    1. Help clear out spare room in basement.
    2. Finish Christmas Baking List
    3. Start on making Christmas Gifts for Timothy Students
    4. American Girl Book Club Meeting on Wednesday
    5. Prep for Friday's field trip to Alliance/Degas show.
    6. Make List of Christmas Gifts already purchases.

    Menu for the week:

    Sunday: Potato Soup (this was so good . . . I just had to share the recipe)

    No-Fuss Potato Soup

    (Serves 8-10)

    6 C cubed and peeled potatoes (I used can potatoes)

    5 C Chicken Broth

    2 C chopped onion

    1/2 C thinly sliced carrots

    1/2 C chopped celery

    1/4 C butter or margarine

    2 tsp. Salt

    1/4 tsp. pepper

    12-oz. can evaporated milk

    3 Tbsp. chopped fresh parsley

    3 Tbsp Bacon Bits

    In a large slow cooker, combine all ingredients (except Bacon Bits). Cover and cook on high for 7 hours or until veggies are tender. Top with Bacon Bits and some chives before serving. Yum, Yum!! I have a family of 5 (2 adults, 20 year old step-son and 2 little girls) everyone ate 2 bowls.

    Monday: Shrimp Stir~fry (didn't make this from last week)

    Tuesday: Holiday FEST @ Publix (Local SE grocery store, sample a Holiday meal for FREE) They server Turkey, Ham and all the fixing's. For me is No Cooking!

    Wednesday: Taco's (make with turkey)

    Thursday: Salad

    Friday: Spaghetti (make with turkey)

    Saturday: PIZZA -Family Night Out

    Have a Blessed Week . . . . . Thank you for reading and posting a comment, it has been such a blessing for me.

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