
Happy Birthday Shalyn

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She started off the day with the "Happy Birthday" song! Every family member first thing in the mourning sings to the birthday person. This mourning it was @ 6:00 A.M.
Birthday Girl with her BIG Sissy!
We had dinner @ her favorite restaurant and then home for some birthday cake!
Birthday Girl with: Sissy, Reece & Daddy. This was her Ballet picture 2 years ago. It is one of my favorite.
Dear Lord,
What a blessing this child is to our family. Thank you for allowing us to watch over her. I lift up this little young lady to you and I ask that you continue to watch over her in all she dose. Help us as her mother and father to grower closer to you so that we might have the in site to help her to become a women who is a blessing to you. Continue to bless me as her mother through your word to be an example of a Proverbs 31 women to her. Place friends around her who are of like minds and ones who will lift her up. Use her stronger will to be bold in her faith and stand firm in her knowledge of right and wrong. Keep her heart pure and protect her from the enemy. This is your child Lord and I give her back to you. AMEN


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