Bible Study/ Devotions:
- Myself ~ Beth Moore
- Girls ~ Review James 1 & 2
- Family ~ Jesse Tree @ Meal Time
- Monday: Laundry & Baseboards
- Tuesday: School Room
- Wednesday: Bedrooms
- Thursday: Living Room & Dinning Room
- Friday: Kitchen & Laundry
- Saturday: Floors
Must Do's:
- Pick up 2 white elephant gifts for Scootlyn's ballet CHRISTmas party.
- Order Shalyns birthday cake
- Tuesday be up @ 5:30 to give sanitation workers cookies
- Review stocking suffers and get last minute fill in's.
- Plan menu and make grocery list for: Sunday Night Dinner w/my Aunt & Cousin, Christmas Eve's food for the day, Christmas dinner.
- Start baking cookies for Tom's employee's.
- Pick up any last minute gifts on Friday
- Grocery Shop Saturday
Monday: Grilled Chicken & veggies
Tuesday: Shalyn's birthday dinner out
Wednesday: My birthday dinner out
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Soup
Saturday: Roasted Chicken & veggies
Prayer Request:
Linda (fellow home school mom) goes in to have her thyroid removed Wednesday mourning. May the Doctor be able to remove all traces of cancer and Lord help her to recover quickly. She also has some un-saved family members. She ask that we pray they may come to know Christ through this.
David (fellow home school dad) goes in also Wednesday mourning to have part of his liver removed due to cancer. He will be in the hospital through Christmas. May the Lord restore his health and may God bring comfort to his wife & children through this.
My husband will be working the next 7 days straight. Please pray that he will be able to get the rest he needs each day. My he also show other Christ through his everyday actions in his work place.
Finish up the second 9 weeks and make sure everything comes to a close before our 2 week break.
I will be blogging everyday this week and I will take most of next week off. This week my blogging schedule will be:
Monday: Monday Meanderings
Tuesday: Shalyn's Birthday & Share Menu plans/recipes for CHRISTmas Eve & CHRISTmas day.
Wednesday: Wordless Wednesday
Thursday: ???
Friday: Show n Tell
Growing in Him,