
Show n Tell ~ Secret Sister

So sorry, I know I am late in posting for show & tell. We has a Homeschool CHRISTmas party today and then it was over it was off to do some shopping at Hubby's work. But LOOK, what I got today in the mail . . . . Thank You Secret Sister what a blessing it is. My WONDERFUL Secret Sister got me a book "Simple Pleasures for The Holidays" & a LENOX Cross for my tree. I don't think I have ever posted that my hubby used to work for LENOX in PA before we meet. When I married him not only did I get a wonderful man and an awesome father. But because he worked for LENOX he came with his own full set of china. Some other LENOX things. What a deal! LOL It was one less thing we had to register for. We have LENOX bells on our tree and some trains from LENOX. The girls even have their First CHRISTmas ornament from LENOX. This is my First Cross. Thank you, Thank You! I praise Go for you and ask that He returns the blessings you give me back to you doubled. Have a wonderful weekend.

Growing in Him,



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