Bible Study & Devotions:The Girl's and I will continue with our James Study.Personally: Beth Moors new Bible Study: Stepping Up. I will do this M-F and on Saturday: Create in Me a Clean Heart by Dandelion Seeds.
To Do's this week:
Tom is down at his parents installing their hardwood flooring. So it's just the kids and I. He left Saturday and we have had a relaxing weekend. We got some snow on Saturday and with the cold front that came in most of the church services in the area were cancelled for Sunday.
I need to catch up on e-mails and so snail mail this week.
Clean out my plastic container cabinet (dump the ones that I no longer have a lid for)
Monday: School Room & Bedroom's
Tuesday: Bathroom's
Wednesday: Laundry & Ironing
Thursday: Kitchen & Living Room
Friday: Floor's
Train them up: This week we will continue to focus on daily routines and doing our best in all that we do. We will do this for the next few weeks as we tweak out schedule.
Prayer Request & Praises:
Thank you for your prayers last week. My mother is doing better and my classes on Tuesday were a success. Please keep us in your prayers as we have our second visit to this local church. We are looking for a place we can not only grow in, but one we can serve in.
Please check back on Tuesday: I will be blogging about how to start preparing for the next school year. This is something that is near and dear to my heart. I pray that it will be a blessing to you.
Menu Planing:
Monday: Chicken leftovers
Tuesday: ???
Wednesday: Chicken Salad
Thursday: Chicken tortilla soup
Friday: Chicken & Rice w/ broccoli
Saturday: ???
Sunday: ???
My son breads English Bull Dogs. His dog came into heat a little over a week ago and he inseminated her. Friday he brought her home to our house. If all goes will we should have some baby bull dogs this spring. He hopes that she has at least a boy for him to keep as a stud. We are now a family of 3 kids and 3 dogs! I thought I would share a picture of her. Her name is: June Bug. She is as dumb as she looks, but she is so dumb she is cute???
I can only imagine how cold it is, where you are. It's in the 50's in Florida. That's cold enough for me. I know, I am a Floridian wimp.
I had a problem linking to your blog via Monday Meanderings. You might want to redo it. I noticed that you left out the second "c" in chicks.
I absolutely LOVE the picture you have at the top of your blog under "Homeschool Verse." (The one with the lady reading at the window) Do you mind sharing where you got it from?
Hope you have a wonderful week!
Good luck with your list of things to do this week! I do love the way you have a different zone every day of the week!!!
And June Bug is sooo adorable!!! My husband is crazy about bulldogs and swears that he will have one ... someday!!!
It'll probably be awhile since we already have 2 dogs, 2 bunnies, 2 birds and a guinea pig!!! LOL :-)
Sounds like a full week. Have a great one!
Sounds like we will both be cleaning cabinets out this week. Bleehh!!
You dog is too cute!!! My husband is allergic to dogs and cats so I have to live vicariously through others. :) I love the apparent major underbite on June Bug. That always melts my heart when I see a dog with that trait. Too cute!!
I hope you have a great week friend!! Keep warm down there!!
Great list of to do's. Just love your dog, to cute. Were at 1 dog, 2 cats, toad and a frog. Our turtle went to turtle heaven.
Our women's bible study at church just finished Beth Moore's Steppin Up - it was really great. God taught me alot through the Bible Study. Love your son's bull dog! Hope all goes well with the pregnancy.
Very cute dog! I hope you get everything accomplished this week, have a great one!
Thank you for stopping by my blog! LOVE your June Bug! She looks like I feel some days!
My brother breeds english bulldogs too!! One year Cambridge (momma doggie) had 14 pups! They all lived! with the money he made when he sold them he put a down payment on a house. .He was only 17 at the time! We love watching the pupies grow. they are so much fun!
Great week planned! Have a wonderful one!
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