
My First Blog AWARD . . .

I am so honored and humbled . This is my very FIRST blog AWARD.
A very special Thank You to
Mama Bugs @
for giving me The Spirit of Christmas Award!"

This award is for those who talk about and show the spirit of Christmas in their blogs. What is the Spirit of Christmas you ask?Quite simply it is those that have a generous and giving nature. Those who care about others. Those who have a kind word to say or a broad shoulder to lean on in the times that others need that. Those who display the "Spirit of Christmas".

Feel free to pass it on to those who have touched your heart with their kind and
giving and caring nature.

I'm passing this award on to...

Raising 4 godly men @

She has the Spirit of Jesus in all that she dose.

2 Peas in a Pod @

Has the gift of encouragement.

Tamara @

A blog mentor and Christ like example.


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