This is the time of the year when I start to feel overwhelmed. I don't feel overwhelmed quite yet, I am more like on the eve of it. I can smell it approaching my home. It's like a fog that drifts in slowly and then out of no ware it is ever wear.
Things that make me feel this way are: School goes up a notch, everyday we are learning a new concept in one subject or another. The first part of the year it was more review and it felt as if we were only learning a new concept on a weekly basis. My teaching load has increased at Timothy. I am going from only teaching 3 classes to teaching 5 classes. By the end of next month I get Spring Fever and want to clean our every inch of my home. Let's not forget the approaching Homeschooling Convention season and trying to plan for the next school year.
With that said, let me share with you how my spirit was renewed this mourning in my quite time: I raise my eyes toward the mountains. Where will my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. PSALM 121: 1&2
As I study more I was comforted by the fact that God is my protector, He takes care of me, He works on me, He plows me, He measure me, and He harvest me. I am His garden and He is the Farmer. For a farmer this time of the year is a rest period. He has harvested his garden and stored up his crops for the winter. He piddles with the plans for the garden in the spring. He tunes up his tracker so it will be ready to plow the hard cold earth as it starts to warm in the spring. He thinks about what should he planted this coming season. He might even draw out a plain.
As a mother and a teacher am I not any different then the farmer? This is my time to take my heart for my children to God's feet and seek His guidance. Daily turn my face toward Him. Please understand this dose happen on a daily basis for me. But what is needed right now is a more deeper time spent in prayer. A shedding of ones sole. By doing this I am in His shelter. He will protect me and guide me. With His breath the fog has been rolled away.
I will be sharing with you my prayers and plains as I look to the next school year. So look for them sometime next week. My prayer is that it will bless you as you too start to plan out the next school year.
Have a blessed day!
Growing in Him,
I thought I was the only one feeling this way! I should have known. I feel the responsibility of having these little blessings and every year it gets bigger. Next year I will have a 5th grader! In my wildest dreams I did not think I would be homeschooling a 5th grader! Gulp! But, I also have the Lord on my side, so I will fear not! Thanks for dropping by my blog today.
It't unanimous, all homeschool moms feel the same way after the holidays. Unlike 3 months of summer vacation, we didn't fully rest during the month of December. When January rolls around, we're not prepare to teach.
I had planned to have the syllabus done before Christmas vacation. Did I? No. I did it on the eve of school.
Hope you have a wonderful school year.
Many blessings,
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