
Happy Fall

Fall is my favirote time of the year mainly because I can see God beauty in the leaves as they change colors. I enjoy grabbing a BIG cup of tea along with my bible and sit on my back porch counting my blessings as I study the word. What a blessing it is to read God's word daily. It bring peace to my soul and clears my mind for the day ahead.

In HIS Mighty Love,


All your children shall be taught by the Lord, And great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13


Speaking from the Heart said...

Happy Fall to you, Trina. Thank you for the reminder. Don't you just love Blogger's blog list? It helps me keep track of my blogging friends.

Anonymous said...

Happy Fall.

Thanks for the comment. B&N employee, huh? That would be deadly to me. I don't think I'd have much take home pay. :-D

I see your daughter dances. My kids all dance too. It's great for them.


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